New International Academic Partnership Program for 2018/19

Following the success of our 2017/18 International Academic Partnership Program  (IAPP), the Royal Academy of Engineers has again selected our team to receive the award for a new program of activities to support waste management solutions and infrastructure development for Indonesia for 2018/19. The program is learning from CLEAR’s work in Batukaras village as a basis from which to develop a working model.
The main team for the 2018/19 IAPP includes:  Two Universities – The Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Indonesia and London South Bank University (LSBU) UK; Two Engineering Consultants Mantra Indonesia and Atelier Ten UK; and CLEAR Community.
Our team’s IAPP was instigated by CLEAR as a way to enable Batukaras and the surrounding area to get additional support for developing waste management solutions, and to assist in getting lessons learnt from the work that CLEAR has been doing over the last 4 years to be shared with other communities. The IAPP also furthers knowledge exchange between Indonesia and the UK.
The 2017/18 program focused on workshops and mentoring activities bringing together relevant parties to find solutions for a best-practice waste management infrastucture for the Batukaras area. The work CLEAR has been doing with public awareness is an important part of the process for establishing community waste management solutions in Indonesia where there is no governement waste collection infrastructure. Technical specialists from different parts of Indonesia and the UK have formed an expert panel supporting the IAPP ensuring a range of best practice knowledge is input into the solutions for the Batukaras area. One of the achievements of the 2017/18 program will be the development of a framework model applicable for Community Waste Management across Indonesia’s 6000 inhabited Islands, in particular focusing on communities along the 17,000 miles of coastline.
The new IAPP for 2018/19 is continuing on from the 2017/18 activities, focusing in particular on Waste Management Infrastucture Facilities. The program will utilise top Industry Experts in Sustainable Construction from both the UK and Indonesia working with the two partner Universities to produce scheme designs for best-practice waste management facilities at Village, District and Regional levels. Real live sites will be selected in collaboration with the Local and Regional Governments. The design briefs also have potential to become templates for facilities in other places across Indonesia.